"Hints for Grieflings is a guide to living through and with the varied experiences of grieving. Beautifully illustrated through words and pictures, this pocket-sized talisman offers space to reflect, meditate, and hope. As I shared it with my husband (now in a nursing home), it brought back memories, tears, wistfulness, and a measure of peace. As it happened, I had just learned that my granddaughter’s favorite aunt had died of cancer and the family was stricken with grief. I will send this booklet with my love and sympathy."
Donna A, Massachusetts
"This is a warm companion to your grieving experience and will bring emotional comfort to your soul.”
John B., Massachusetts
"Thank you for your gift, the little book Hints for Grieflings. I love it! The words are a comfort, right on!! and I love the illustrations. I have put the book in my purse for when I need a moment of comfort.
Really a unique and special book. Thank you for sharing with me."
"Reading Hints for Grieflings gave me a sense of belonging and validation for the first time since losing my Mom in 2019. I felt like all of my conflicting feelings and emotions finally made sense and were okay to have. It was as if this pocket-sized book was like a membership card into a club where grief is NOT taboo to talk about.
The author touches on pretty much every emotion I've had during my grief journey and then she goes one step further and gives me a simple and sensible way to accept and process that particular feeling.
Now to the illustrations--the way the illustrator uses vibrant colors on one side of a page and then juxtaposes that with the exact same image, but foggy and grayed out, as you read the words sends a powerful message about just how clouded and painful life can become for someone who is suffering from loss and grief.
Lastly, that this book can fit in my pocket or purse is wonderful! It is something I will carry with me as I travel through my grief journey. It represents hope and the possibility of new beginnings and happiness, even through the darkest of times."
Aimee T., Ohio